A few days after the release of the latest Michelin guide – the esteemed culinary bible – the Swedish tourist office, Visit Sweden, has teamed up with four Michelin-starred chefs and the Bookatable site for a tasty experiment. To show that healthy food can be found growing naturally in Sweden, they’ve placed seven picnic tables in beautiful spots across the country, complete with cooking tools, recipes and foraging tips. The tables can be reserved via the site between May and September – but if they’re fully booked, people can still prepare the dishes in another one of the country’s 100 million acres of nature. The project has turned Sweden into the world’s biggest gourmet restaurant. Welcome to The Edible Country. 

TitleThe Edible Country
BriefTo make Sweden top-of-mind for tourists who love food and nature, the entire country was transformed into a restaurant. Because in Sweden, healthy food is found outdoors. Four Swedish Michelin-starred chefs created a unique menu based on ingredients found in the countryside. The menu and videos explaining how to cook the dishes were available online, while tables with cooking equipment were set up in beautiful locations around the country. Those looking for a Michelin-class food experience could book a table for free on Bookatable.com. Sweden: The Edible Country.
Campaign The Edible Country
Advertiser VisitSweden
Brand Visit Sweden

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